March 20,2023
Creating our classrooms and outdoors !
CCA is proud to announce
Our Home!
333 Inverness Dr. Englewood, CO 80112

Soccer Field coming soon!

Almost there!

Auditorium Rendering
June 30, 2023
Building construction is moving forward quickly! Framing and drywall are complete throughout the building. The ceiling grid is finished on the second floor and in progress on the first floor, and there are now functioning ceiling lights in all of the second floor classrooms. The first coat of paint is on the walls upstairs, cabinets and closet systems are being installed, projector systems are in the second floor classrooms, and the floors are being prepped for carpet throughout. All of the plumbing is complete, electrical is 90% complete, and HVAC is 75% complete and all door frames are installed and ready for doors! Demolition of the exterior space started last week to beautify both entrances and to begin building the south playground. GQue BBQ catered food for 75 construction workers as the framers and drywallers completed their work in the building this week – we thank all of the crews for working 6 days a week!

May 12,2023
What a difference a few weeks makes! Construction inside of the building is moving at a furious pace, with crews working extra shifts to keep it going. We’ve already passed the first of several county inspections and continue to make great progress.
We are grateful for county staff assigned to our project who are working hard to help us make our August move-in date.
As our contractor reports, “the HVAC guys have been working on the 2nd floor demoing out old runs while still installing new trunks and branch lines" and “the electricians have continued working on lighting layout throughout the site and installing in-wall and overhead electrical.”
What wonderful progress. Installing “in-wall” electrical in parts of the building already!!! God is good and we are blessed.
We are on track to meet our August move-in date and to be ready for the first day of the 2023-2024 school year.
Please enjoy these new site photos and pray for His continued provision and protection, and for our progress. We look forward to the “all clear” from the contractor to start bringing families through in person to see the work that’s been done!

School Entrance
Lower class library

March 20,2023
Creating our classrooms and outdoors !

February 10, 2023
Latest lobby render.

March 15, 2023
Lower school library.

January 27, 2023
Meet the phenomenal
Galloway Design Team !

January 19, 2023
Playgrounds spaces have been better defined (links connect to the manufactures that will produce these in our school colors).
Preschool area will have not only their own playground, but they will have a trike path and a climbing wall too!

The 5- 12 year olds will have an obstacle
course style playground that will be fun for recess, but also great for movement break.

There is outdoor sitting with rock benches, tables, and an irrigated garden beds for students to learn about ground plants and flowers.
A half basketball court and foursquare too !
For additional safety the whole area will be fenced in and visually screened by trees.